The Rouse Hill Rams Netball Division is part of the Baulkham Hills Shire Netball Association. Clubs within this association are required to grade their players to ensure that teams play with and against players of similar skill and ability. Grading is carried out by a panel of committee members and and if available independant experienced graders who volunteer their time. Players are assessed on their all round netball abilities and information provided by the previous seasons coaches. Grading will take place in during February and only players that have registered and paid in full, will be eligible to be graded.
Yes all players must attend grading day, except for NetSetGo players in the under 7's & 8's division. Seniors grading is decided on a year upon year basis, depending on numbers.
Training is at the Kellyville courts located at Wellgate Ave, Kellyville. We hire the use of these courts from Baulkham Hills Shire Netball Association and hence training days are not something we can confirm prior to Muster Day. Muster Day is when training days are discussed and generally decided by the team as a whole, but in the end, it does come down to the day that best suits the coach, who is volunteering their time. Training times are generally between 4.30pm and 8.30pm.
Training is compulsary for all players aged 7 - 14 years of age.
The Rams Netball Facebook page will have details as soon as were are made aware of a cancelled game. The courts are for all weather conditions so it is rarely cancelled. The BHSNA (Baulkham Hills Shire Netball Association) website will also have details as soon as they are decided.
All emails should be forwarded to secretary@ramsnetball.com.au we would love to share the work load of helping our community enjoy netball.
All complaints must be received in writing and sent to the Netball Secretary at secretary@ramsnetball.com.au in the first instance. Please refer to Netball's Policies document for further details
Generally the season commences in the first weekend after the April School Holidays. It runs until late September with a mid season break for the July School Holidays.
Teams are announced on Muster Day which is usually held in March, a couple of weeks after grading is completed. Assigning a coach, manager as well as training night preferences also occur on this day so we strongly encourage you to attend.
All Rouse Hill Rams Netball players are required to wear the Rams Netball Dress except for our NetSetGo Skills (5 - 6 yr olds) which are to wear their NetSetGo t-shirts provided by Netball NSW.
Rams have partnered with Valour to supply our club uniforms. To purchase please visit their website
To purchase pre-loved uniforms please visit our Facebook buy sell swap page
Each player will recieve a training shirt which they must wear to training.
Yes, the club is run by volunteers. All coaches and managers are volunteers. We do not have a "pool of coaches" which we allocate to teams and we do rely on parents to help and support with this.
Remember that children participate in sport for their enjoyment, not yours. When you register with Rouse Hill Rams, you agree to abide by the Code of Conduct. Please familiarise yourself with this policy here
For the NetSetGo division – yes absolutely.
For Under 10s and above, the club will consider friend requests, however, it is important to note that if the children are not of the same playing ability as determined by grading, they will be placed in the lower child’s division. The club does recommend that children play in the division that they are most suited to, and our experience shows that they have a better experience all around and do make friends throughout the season.
If you would like to friend request, please see the form under the "resources" tab and email a completed form to the secretary@ramsnetball.com.au
NetSetGo teams compete in a round robin competition held on friday nights at the Wellgate Ave Courts. Typically U7 and U8 teams will play at 6.15pm and U9 play at 7.15pm.
All other teams play on a Saturday at the Wellgate Ave Courts. Game times are released by Baulkham Hills Shire Association typically a few weeks before the start of the competition.
The age group is based on the age that your child will be turning in that current year.
For example for the 2024 season, if your child is 8 turning 9, born in 2015, then you will register them in the U9 age group
Rams Netball Club’s official means of correspondence is via our Teams App, Instagram and Facebook platforms. Our Registrars and Secretary will email correspondence from time to time, however, is not the primary means of getting important and most current information to our members.
All coaches & managers will be required to have Teams App and WhatsApp as a minimum.
All players, parents/guardians are required to have Teams App.
It is highly encouraged that all club members ‘like’ or ‘follow’ our below social pages to ensure you stay up to date with important club news and announcements.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RouseHillRamsNetballClub
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rouse_hill_rams_netball/?hl=en
Team Stack App: https://www.teamapp.com/clubs/487368?_webpage=v1 (web browser) or Download the app on your IPhone or Android https://www.teamapp.com/app?_detail=v1
Yes!! Parents, guardians and carers can apply for a voucher for each school aged child in their care aged 4.5 - 18 years old. To apply, please visit the Service NSW website.
Once you have received your voucher, this can be used to pay for part of your child’s registration costs and will be required at the time of registration.